Plymouth’s only cut flower farm, bringing you gorgeous, seasonal, sustainable, natural garden style flowers - this is our story…

Welcome to Shallow Ford Flowers, an eco-friendly and sustainable cut flower farm nestled in the farmland that surrounds Plymouth. Our journey began in 2021, fuelled by a lifelong passion for flowers and a dedication to responsible cultivation practices.

Our Approach:

At Shallow Ford Flowers, we say no to pesticides, herbicides, and peat. Instead, we embrace a growing philosophy that allows nature to thrive. To minimize waste and provide flowers year-round, we also employ natural drying methods that preserve their beauty.

Our Story:

Driven by a lifelong obsession with flowers and a passion for growing them from seed, Shallow Ford Flowers started in my Eggbuckland garden. As demand grew, I expanded to a farm just 20 minutes from Plymouth city centre, signing a rental contract in November 2021.

Cultivation Practices:

Transforming a muddy field into a beautiful flower farm has been a labour of love. Following a 'no-dig' approach, I create planting beds using brown cardboard to suppress weeds and green waste compost as mulch. This method allows me to plant directly into the bed without disturbing the soil's beneficial microbes and fungi.

Embracing Seasonality:

I am conscious of the environmental impact of importing flowers and believe in embracing seasonality. As a proud member of Flowers from the Farm, a cooperative of British flower growers, I contribute to promoting British flowers and encouraging sustainable practices.


My commitment to environmental stewardship goes beyond cultivating beautiful blooms. At every step, I embrace sustainable practices, ensuring that your flowers not only bring joy but also contribute to a healthier planet. This dedication extends to the soil – at Shallow Ford Flowers, we exclusively use natural or organically certified fertilizers, fostering a harmonious relationship between the flowers and the earth. This not only ensures the well-being of the blooms but also contributes to the overall health of the environment.

Sustainability is an ongoing journey, not a destination. I am constantly exploring new avenues to enhance my eco-friendly practices. Your support encourages me to innovate, driving me to discover even more ways to minimize the environmental impact of growing flowers.

Our Unique Offerings:

I cultivate a variety of flowers, many of which you won't find at your local florist or supermarket. From scented Narcissi to Sweet Peas and Dahlias, each bouquet tells a story of the season. Drying flowers has become an art for us, offering sustainable options for British flowers all year round.

Why Choose British Flowers:

Buying from Shallow Ford Flowers means purchasing locally, ensuring freshness and reducing the environmental footprint. My flowers are seasonal, providing a constantly evolving selection with a wild, garden-style charm and delightful scents.

Connect with Us:

Follow me on social media to stay updated on our weekly bouquets and learn more about life on the flower field. While my field isn't open to the public, you can easily explore and purchase my flowers through my website

Thank you for considering Shallow Ford Flowers for your floral needs. I look forward to bringing a touch of natural floral charm to your life.